3 Ways to Get Your Mobility Back After an Injury

When your mobility is poor following an injury, you can still tackle some of your daily routines by using proper healthcare tools. Depending on your situation, the recovery process may take several weeks or a few months. However, by using one or more of these solutions, you’ll have support every step of the way.


A wheelchair can help you travel to different destinations inside and outside your home if you don’t have to ability to stand or walk. These chairs are available in various configurations; the most common option is a standard, manual type. If you can’t move your lower limbs, a manual wheelchair a good choice. To move this chair, you have to grip the bars on the side of each wheel. You maneuver the chair by using your hand to push one or both tires.

When picking a wheelchair, consider the degree of your injury and your comfort requirements. Standard, lightweight, ultralightweight, and heavy-duty chairs are all designed for injuries that impact mobility below the torso (ref). A tilting, reclining wheelchair is a strategically designed product for injuries that impact the spine. The positioning mechanisms serve one purpose, which is to help a patient find the best angle to reduce tension and discomfort.

Crutches or Crutch Substitutes

When used properly, crutches can make the process of navigating to various areas easier. In order to use crutches, you must consider your objective and the environment. For example, if you’re going to enter different rooms while supporting yourself on crutches, always ensure that the door is fully opened and the path is clear.

There are a few tools that can be substitutes for the traditional crutches (ref). One of the most useful options for someone who lacks maneuverability is a steerable knee crutch. This tool requires leg strength because it’s powered by forward momentum.


A mobility scooter is a great substitute for a wheelchair. The major difference between the two products is speed since a scooter is powered by an electric motor. If you can’t roll yourself using a wheelchair because your biceps and triceps are weak, a mobility scooter can propel you to your destination effortlessly.

Many companies manufacturer mobility scooters for commercial use, so you can easily test the equipment before making an investment (ref). You’ll find powerful scooters with a padded seat, a basket, and a convenient steering system for use at larger venues like department stores and grocery stores.

These three solutions can get you moving following an injury. You can gather more information about each individual option by consulting your healthcare provider.

Check out these other great articles to help you take the best care of yourself!

Simon Greenberg

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