Figuring out when certain symptoms indicate a need to see the doctor and when they don’t can be difficult. You don’t want to waste time in a hospital waiting room if you’re only going to be told that the problem isn’t that big of a deal. But when you think like that, it’s possible to go too long with painful, irritating symptoms that could be alleviated sooner.
Acne is one of those annoying things that can plague people long after their pubescent years are over. Besides being annoying or embarrassing, acne can indicate other problems sometimes. If you’ve been treating your acne consistently and it has been a couple of weeks with no results or with worsened acne, go to your doctor. They can make sure there aren’t other problems going on and they can also give you more effective medicine for your skin.
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus that can bleed during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids are self-diagnosable and can cause significant discomfort to the individual. Usually, the symptoms involve extreme itchiness, discomfort sitting, pain during bowel movements, and painful lumps near the anus.
If you have multiple common hemorrhoid symptoms, it is worth getting it checked out. Your doctor can provide you with a variety of different treatment options depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids. They may be able to perform a procedure to shrink the hemorrhoid or they may be able to suggest the right home treatments such as soaking in a bath or using a cream to help the hemorrhoid.
Unexplained Weight Loss or Weight Gain
In addition to things like hemorrhoids and acne, keep your doctor informed about any unexpected and relatively significant fluctuations in your weight. Often, seemingly unexplained weight changes can be connected to stress or life changes. But sometimes, weight change acts as an indicator of other things going on.
For example, unexplained weight loss can sometimes be a symptom of Hashimoto disease—a chronic disease that involves the inflammation of the thyroid and other symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and memory fog.
If you’ve played with the idea of going to see a doctor for a set of symptoms that you are experiencing, that may be indication enough that the symptoms are more than just annoying. Do your research to see if any of those symptoms could indicate other problems and get to the doctor. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
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