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Hydrocodone Acetaminophen
What is Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen is supplied in tablet form for oral administration. Hydrocodone bitartrate is an opioid analgesic and antitussive and occurs as fine, white crystals or as a crystalline powder. It is affected by light. The chemical name is: 4,5a- Epoxy-3-methoxy-17-methylmorphinan- 6-one tartrate (1:1) hydrate (2:5). It has the following structural formula:
In addition, each tablet contains the following inactive ingredients: anhydrous lactose, croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, magnesium stearate,microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, starch, and stearic acid; except the 7.5mg/325mg, 10 mg/325 mg and 10 mg/500 mg tablets do not contain anhydrous lactose. The 7.5 mg/325 mg tablets include FD and C Yellow # 6 Aluminum Lake; the 7.5 mg/650 mg tablets include FD and C Red #40 Aluminum Lake; the 10 mg/325 mg and 10 mg/750 mg tablets include D and C Yellow # 10 Aluminum Lake; the 10 mg/500 mg tablets include FD and C Blue #2 Aluminum Lake; and the 10 mg/650mg tablets include FD and C Blue #1 Aluminum Lake and D and C Yellow #10 Aluminum Lake. Meets USP Dissolution Test 1.
What does Hydrocodone Acetaminophen look like?

What are the available doses of Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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What should I talk to my health care provider before I take Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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How should I use Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets are indicated for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain.
Dosage should be adjusted according to the severity of the pain and response of the patient. However, it should be kept in mind that tolerance to hydrocodone can develop with continued use and that the incidence of untoward effects is dose-related.
What interacts with Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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What are the warnings of Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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What are the precautions of Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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What are the side effects of Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
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What should I look out for while using Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
This product should not be administered to patients who have previously exhibited hypersensitivity to hydrocodone or acetaminophen.
Patients known to be hypersensitive to other opioids may exhibit cross-sensitivity to hydrocodone
WARNINGSRespiratory Depression: At high doses or in sensitive patients, hydrocodone may produce dose-related respiratory depression by acting directly on the brain stem respiratory center. Hydrocodone also affects the center that controls respiratory rhythm, and may produce irregular and periodic breathing.
Head Injury and Increased Intracranial Pressure: The respiratory depressant effects of narcotics and their capacity to elevate cerebrospinal fluid pressure may be markedly exaggerated in the presence of head injury, other intracranial lesions or a preexisting increase in intracranial pressure. Furthermore, narcotics produce adverse reactions which may obscure the clinical course of patients with head injuries.
Acute Abdominal Conditions: The administration of narcotics may obscure the diagnosis or clinical course of patients with acute abdominal conditions.
What might happen if I take too much Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
OVERDOSAGEFollowing an acute overdosage, toxicity may result from hydrocodone or acetaminophen.
Signs and Symptoms
Hydrocodone: Serious overdose with hydrocodone is characterized by respiratory depression (a decrease in respiratory rate and/or tidal volume, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, cyanosis), extreme somnolence progressing to stupor or coma, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, and sometimes bradycardia and hypotension. In severe overdosage, apnea, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death may occur.
Acetaminophen: In acetaminophen overdosage: dose-dependent, potentially fatal hepatic necrosis is the most serious adverse effect. Renal tubular necrosis, hypoglycemic coma, and thrombocytopenia may also occur.
Early symptoms following a potentially hepatotoxic overdose may include: nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis and general malaise. Clinical and laboratory evidence of hepatic toxicity may not be apparent until 48 to 72 hours post-ingestion.
In adults, hepatic toxicity has rarely been reported with acute overdoses of less than 10 grams, or fatalities with less than 15 grams
A single or multiple overdose with hydrocodone and acetaminophen is a potentially lethal polydrug overdose, and consultation with a regional poison control center is recommended.
Immediate treatment includes support of cardiorespiratory function and measures to reduce drug absorption. Vomiting should be induced mechanically, or with syrup of ipecac, if the patient is alert (adequate pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes). Oral activated charcoal (1 g/kg) should follow gastric emptying. The first dose should be accompanied by an appropriate cathartic. If repeated doses are used, the cathartic might be included with alternate doses as required. Hypotension is usually hypovolemic and should respond to fluids. Vasopressors and other supportive measures should be employed as indicated. A cuffed endotracheal tube should be inserted before gastric lavage of the unconscious patient and, when necessary, to provide assisted respiration.
Meticulous attention should be given to maintaining adequate pulmonary ventilation. In severe cases of intoxication, peritoneal dialysis, or preferably hemodialysis may be considered. If hypoprothrombinemia occurs due to acetaminophen overdose, vitamin K should be administered intravenously.
Naloxone, a narcotic antagonist, can reverse respiratory depression and coma associated with opioid overdose. Naloxone hydrochloride 0.4 mg to 2 mg is given parenterally. Since the duration of action of hydrocodone may exceed that of the naloxone, the patient should be kept under continuous surveillance and repeated doses of the antagonist should be administered as needed to maintain adequate respiration. A narcotic antagonist should not be administered in the absence of clinically significant respiratory or cardiovascular depression.
If the dose of acetaminophen may have exceeded 140 mg/kg, acetylcysteine should be administered as early as possible. Serum acetaminophen levels should be obtained, since levels four or more hours following ingestion help predict acetaminophen toxicity. Do not await acetaminophen assay results before initiating treatment. Hepatic enzymes should be obtained initially, and repeated at 24-hour intervals.
Methemoglobinemia over 30% should be treated with methylene blue by slow intravenous administration.
The toxic dose for adults for acetaminophen is 10 g
How should I store and handle Hydrocodone Acetaminophen?
Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F). Excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F). [See USP Controlled Room Temperature.] Protect from light.Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container with a child-resistant closure.Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F). Excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F). [See USP Controlled Room Temperature.] Protect from light.Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container with a child-resistant closure.HOW SUPPLIEDHydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets, USP are available in the following strengths:Manufactured by:Watson Laboratories, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USADistributed by:Watson Pharma, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USARevised: June 20080608B173191 HOW SUPPLIEDHydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets, USP are available in the following strengths:Manufactured by:Watson Laboratories, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USADistributed by:Watson Pharma, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USARevised: June 20080608B173191 HOW SUPPLIEDHydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets, USP are available in the following strengths:Manufactured by:Watson Laboratories, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USADistributed by:Watson Pharma, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USARevised: June 20080608B173191 HOW SUPPLIEDHydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets, USP are available in the following strengths:Manufactured by:Watson Laboratories, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USADistributed by:Watson Pharma, Inc.Corona, CA 92880 USARevised: June 20080608B173191
Clinical Information
Chemical Structure
No Image foundClinical Pharmacology
Hydrocodone is a semisynthetic narcotic analgesic and antitussive with multiple actions qualitatively similar to those of codeine. Most of these involve the central nervous system and smooth muscle. The precise mechanism of action of hydrocodone and other opiates is not known, although it is believed to relate to the existence of opiate receptors in the central nervous system. In addition to analgesia, narcotics may produce drowsiness, changes in mood and mental clouding.
The analgesic action of acetaminophen involves peripheral influences, but the specific mechanism is as yet undetermined. Antipyretic activity is mediated through hypothalamic heat regulating centers. Acetaminophen inhibits prostaglandin synthetase. Therapeutic doses of acetaminophen have negligible effects on the cardiovascular or respiratory systems; however, toxic doses may cause circulatory failure and rapid, shallow breathing.
Non-Clinical Toxicology
CONTRAINDICATIONS This product should not be administered to patients who have previously exhibited hypersensitivity to hydrocodone or acetaminophen. Patients known to be hypersensitive to other opioids may exhibit cross-sensitivity to hydrocodoneWARNINGSRespiratory Depression: At high doses or in sensitive patients, hydrocodone may produce dose-related respiratory depression by acting directly on the brain stem respiratory center. Hydrocodone also affects the center that controls respiratory rhythm, and may produce irregular and periodic breathing. Head Injury and Increased Intracranial Pressure: The respiratory depressant effects of narcotics and their capacity to elevate cerebrospinal fluid pressure may be markedly exaggerated in the presence of head injury, other intracranial lesions or a preexisting increase in intracranial pressure. Furthermore, narcotics produce adverse reactions which may obscure the clinical course of patients with head injuries. Acute Abdominal Conditions: The administration of narcotics may obscure the diagnosis or clinical course of patients with acute abdominal conditions.
Although a causal relationship has not been established, there have been reports of bleeding and/or prolonged prothrombin time in patients treated with pentoxifylline with and without anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors. Patients on warfarin should have more frequent monitoring of prothrombin times, while patients with other risk factors complicated by hemorrhage (e.g., recent surgery, peptic ulceration) should have periodic examinations for bleeding including hematocrit and/or hemoglobin. Concomitant administration of pentoxifylline and theophylline-containing drugs leads to increased theophylline levels and theophylline toxicity in some individuals. Such patients should be closely monitored for signs of toxicity and have their theophylline dosage adjusted as necessary. Pentoxifylline has been used concurrently with antihypertensive drugs, beta blockers, digitalis, diuretics, antidiabetic agents, and antiarrhythmics, without observed problems. Small decreases in blood pressure have been observed in some patients treated with pentoxifylline; periodic systemic blood pressure monitoring is recommended for patients receiving concomitant antihypertensive therapy. If indicated, dosage of the antihypertensive agents should be reduced.
PRECAUTIONSGeneral Special Risk Patients: As with any narcotic analgesic agent, hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets should be used with caution in elderly or debilitated patients and those with severe impairment of hepatic or renal function, hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, prostatic hypertrophy or urethral stricture. The usual precautions should be observed and the possibility of respiratory depression should be kept in mind. Cough Reflex: Hydrocodone suppresses the cough reflex; as with all narcotics, caution should be exercised when hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets are used postoperatively and in patients with pulmonary disease.
ADVERSE REACTIONS The most frequently reported adverse reactions are lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, nausea and vomiting. These effects seem to be more prominent in ambulatory than in nonambulatory patients, and some of these adverse reactions may be alleviated if the patient lies down. Other adverse reactions include: Central Nervous System:Drowsiness, mental clouding, lethargy, impairment of mental and physical performance, anxiety, fear, dysphoria, psychic dependence, mood changes. Gastrointestinal SystemProlonged administration of hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets may produce constipation. Genitourinary SystemUreteral spasm, spasm of vesical sphincters and urinary retention have been reported with opiates. Respiratory DepressionHydrocodone bitartrate may produce dose-related respiratory depression by acting directly on the brain stem respiratory center (see OVERDOSAGE). Special SensesCases of hearing impairment or permanent loss have been reported predominantly in patients with chronic overdose. DermatologicalSkin rash, pruritus. The following adverse drug events may be borne in mind as potential effects of acetaminophen: allergic reactions, rash, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis. Potential effects of high dosage are listed in the OVERDOSAGE section.
This information is obtained from the National Institute of Health's Standard Packaging Label drug database.
While we update our database periodically, we cannot guarantee it is always updated to the latest version.
Clonazepam Description Each single-scored tablet, for oral administration, contains 0.5 mg, 1 mg, or 2 mg Clonazepam, USP, a benzodiazepine. Each tablet also contains corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, and povidone. Clonazepam tablets USP 0.5 mg contain Yellow D&C No. 10 Aluminum Lake. Clonazepam tablets USP 1 mg contain Yellow D&C No. 10 Aluminum Lake, as well as FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake. Chemically, Clonazepam, USP is 5-(o-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-7-nitro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one. It is a light yellow crystalline powder. It has the following structural formula: C15H10ClN3O3 M.W. 315.72Tips
A total of 440 drugs (1549 brand and generic names) are known to interact with Imbruvica (ibrutinib). 228 major drug interactions (854 brand and generic names) 210 moderate drug interactions (691 brand and generic names) 2 minor drug interactions (4 brand and generic names) Show all medications in the database that may interact with Imbruvica (ibrutinib).