How to Deal with Insurance When Recovering from an Accident

After an accident, you have enough on your plate to deal with in recovery; dealing with troublesome insurance companies to get your deserved compensation can be a huge hassle. To make this problem as smooth and with as little stress as possible, there are a few things that you can do to be prepared: collect the required information before the process of communicating with your insurance company begins, find a good lawyer to support your case, brace yourself to be patient through the process, and maintain a good system of organization so you don’t get mixed up and burned out.

Collect Information

To get the ball rolling with no hiccups, compile as much information as possible to provide the insurance company right from the start. Companies will attempt to delay or prolong cases to wear out clients until they acquiesce certain requests, by requesting different or more information repeatedly and then taking time to verify and respond. To avoid this back and forth, collect any records or reports of your incident, photographic evidence of the damage, medical evaluations of your condition post-accident, financial expenses for any repairs to you or your property, and any witness testimonials that may aid your case. Add to this any information you may need about your financial status if that is a relevant part of the case.

Get Support

If the case ends up in litigation, you will need help so that you aren’t trying to heal and fighting a court battle on your own, at the same time. Find legal aid or a licensed lawyer who specializes in your kind of case—if you can have someone with experience and knowledge of the loopholes or red flags of insurance claims for accidents, you have a better chance of taking advantage of the situation rather than being taken advantage of. Give yourself the peace of mind that things won’t be overlooked as you get through this claim process.

Be Patient

Again, insurance companies may attempt to wear you out with consistent requests, demands, accusations, and manipulation. They may rush you into signing deals that are, in reality, do not meet the fullest potential of your deserved compensation. Be patient with this whole process! Be patient in enduring the requirements and requests of the insurance company, and be patient with reading over offers with a lawyer so that you don’t end up settling for their low ball offers.

Stay Organized

Most of all, stay organized! Between healing and repairing yourself (and sorting out adjustments to your routine and life as you do so), it can be very easy to lose track of your progress. Organize your materials as effectively as possible, creating an easy-access strategy and timeline. This may be helpful later in your case if the insurance company is uncooperative or claims your lack of involvement. Make due dates a priority, stay on top of your expected materials, and hold on to correspondence to stay ahead of the game.

Don’t let dealing with frustrating car insurance companies become an added stressor to your already stressful life! Prep your materials, find good support, be patient with the process and stay organized, and you will ease the process significantly.

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Simon Greenberg

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