Throughout your life, there are certain aspects of your health that you need to be aware of and monitor regularly. One of the biggest threats to your life is cancerous cells. However, if you catch cancer early on during a screening, your risk levels are significantly lower. On your end, all you need to do is know in which situations you need to get screened.
When You’ve Hit a Certain Age
As you get older, your risk for some types of cancers increases. As a result, you also need to start getting screened for cancer at different ages. In general, you should start getting screened for some types of cancers when you are approaching your late forties into your fifties. For example, women should get screened for breast cancer starting at the age of 45 and then every other year or so go in for a mammogram. Both men and women would benefit from colonoscopy every ten years to screen for cancer in your colon. In this way, screening can act as a preventative measure even if you are not necessarily at risk.
When You Have Known Hazardous Exposure
Sometimes your line of work can expose you to dangerous chemicals. While short term exposure does not necessarily mean that you need to get screened, you should get screened if you have been exposed over a long period of time. Hazardous exposure can be anything like radiation or other chemicals. For example, if your job is to clean out vats that previously held radioactive materials, it would be a good idea to get screened before anything develops. You can know that you have been exposed to something hazardous by looking at their sign. Health hazards that are known to cause health issues are indicated by a sign with a pictogram.
When You Notice a Change
No one knows your body better than you do. Once you notice a change like a deformed mole or a growing lump, you should get it screened as soon as possible. The good thing about moles or masses is that they can be easily removed by a professional and then tested to see if they were cancerous or not. This is also why self-examinations are encouraged, so that you can build awareness of your own body and have a good explanation for your doctor once you meet.
By getting screened for cancer at the appropriate times, you can help promote healthy living and even save your life. The bottom line is, if you suspect anything, you should talk to your healthcare provider and ask them questions as things come up.
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