How Major Injuries and Illnesses Can Impact Your Life

There are countless ways in which suffering from a major injury or illness may impact your life. While this can be incredibly frustrating, understanding these influences in your life will allow you to start finding solutions to these problems.


Injuries can impact your finances and employment status by reducing your ability to work. You may have to deal with large medical bills which strain your budget and reduce your ability to pay your expenses. This financial burden may last for a long time, depleting your emergency funds and other financial resources. Social Security Disability covers several conditions, including physical and mental health conditions. However, you must qualify for this assistance and it often doesn’t cover all of your expenses. Over time, many people are able to adjust to the new financial burden placed on them, but it is not always easy.

Family Relationships

Some injuries and diagnoses can impact your personal relationships. Unfortunately, not all friends or family members are able or willing to understand the ways your life may be different due to an injury or diagnosis. They may not realize the impact an illness is making in your life, and they might not know how to help. Traumatic injuries can cause very strong reactions in some people, and may distance you from your loved ones. Social activities are often more difficult when you’re dealing with a major injury or illness. Having intimate relations with your partner may be impacted by these conditions as well.

Lifestyle Changes

Major injuries and illnesses also can have a large impact on your lifestyle. The types of activities you used to enjoy may not be possible if you suffer a major injury or illness. You may be unable to work, support your family, or interact with people the way you used to. You may experience a reduced degree of independence as well. Adapting to these lifestyle changes is often incredibly difficult, and causes a certain degree of psychological stress for many people. People can become depressed and discouraged if their lifestyle doesn’t look the way they would like it to.

It is true that there are a large number of ways that your life might be influenced by major injuries and illnesses. Many of these consequences are negative ones that may be out of your control. However, it is possible to overcome these negative effects and find joy again. You can overcome difficult financial situations, family relationships, and lifestyle changes.

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Simon Greenberg

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