What Are the Common Causes of Gum Disease?

Have you ever suffered from swollen, puffy gums? Maybe you’ve noticed that your gums tend to bleed after flossing or brushing. Perhaps you’ve even noticed that parts of your gums have become discolored, ranging from bright red to bruised, purplish tones. If you’ve suffered from any of these symptoms, chances are that you have gum disease. There are many different causes of gum disease.

Lack of Nutrients

Eating a healthy and balanced diet not only strengthens your body, but also strengthens your teeth, so if you aren’t maintaining a balanced diet, that may be the cause of your gum disease. According to Listerine, people who snack on lots of sugary snacks, drink lots of juice and soda, and eat processed foods are more likely to develop gum disease and cavities. The sugars in these foods cause your teeth’ enamel to erode, stripping away the natural protection that your teeth require. This can lead to the development of cavities, infection, and gum disease. This can be combated by drinking lots of water, eating a balanced diet, and ensuring that you’re getting enough Vitamin C daily.

Tooth Damage

If you have broken, crooked teeth, it can be a lot harder to brush and floss properly. Not having a smooth, straight surface to clean can lead to a lot of nooks and crannies that don’t get properly cleaned when flossing and brushing. In addition, according to Showtime Smiles,  erupted wisdom teeth can often lead to damage that causes gum disease. Having your teeth broken by injury or decay can lead to bacterial infections in the teeth, gums, and jaw bone.


Plaque is a thin, filmy buildup of bacteria that develops on your gums and teeth throughout the day as a result of eating, breathing, talking, and your natural saliva. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily can be a simple way to remove this plaque. According to Parodontax, if you don’t floss often enough or brush thoroughly enough, plaque may start developing and causing the first stages of gum disease. If you struggle to get rid of your plaque, you may want to schedule a dental checkup for additional help every six months.

Gum disease can be a pain to deal with once it has developed. However, there are lots of simple things that you can do to combat gum disease. Start making the changes to your diet, lifestyle, and tooth care today so that you can ensure that you have a healthy mouth and a happy life!

Read this next: Sink Your Teeth Into It: The Importance of Practicing Proper Dental Hygiene

Simon Greenberg

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