Life-Saving Skills That Everyone Should Learn

There are a few life-saving skills that are important for every adult to learn. You never know when you’ll find yourself near someone who could be in a life-threatening situation. You want to make sure that you know these few simple but important skills that could help you save someone’s life, especially when that person happens to be one of your loved ones.

The Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich Maneuver is a lifesaving move that you can perform to help save a person that is choking. You shouldn’t attempt to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a person unless you are completely positive that the person is choking, as it can cause internal injuries. If the person still has some space in their airway, coughing could help them to release the food that is stuck in their throat. If you see that they’re having difficulty breathing, call 911 and tell them about the situation. If you’re sure that the person is choking, put your arms around the person and perform the Heimlich Maneuver. In addition to the Heimlich Maneuver, there are some other techniques that you can learn to help someone who is choking or struggling with breathing.


CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a process done to help maintain oxygen and circulation flow in the body. Usually, to help someone who is suffering cardiac arrest, you should alternate performing chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth ventilation. You should also know how to use a defibrillator to revive someone whose heart has stopped. Training on each of these methods is provided in many different health care settings. Sometimes, people are even trained in CPR to go to a day camp or a long trip.

Identifying a Stroke or Heart Attack

The sooner you can identify a stroke or heart attack, the better. If they quickly get medical attention while suffering a stroke or heart attack, they’ll have a much better chance of surviving without significant side effects or injuries. Signs of heart attacks can be pain in the arms or other limbs of the body, nausea, lightheadedness, and pressure, discomfort, and pain in the chest. Strokes can be especially difficult to identify, as they are manifested in many different ways. A person suffering a stroke may have drooping in their face or posture as they lose control over their muscles. They may also experience weakness in their limbs and difficulty communicating or remembering things. When you see any of these signs of strokes or heart attacks, you must call 911 and get help as soon as possible.

You never know when you’ll be in a position where you can save the life of one of your loved ones. Make sure that you take the appropriate steps today to train and inform yourself about these different skills. If you make sure that you are prepared in these different areas, you could play an important role in helping another person recover from a life-threatening attack.

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Simon Greenberg

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