How to Prevent Brittle Bones as You Get Older

Aging is a natural part of life. It comes with plenty of ups and downs. On the one hand, many people start to care less about what others think of them and revel in the freedom that brings. On the other hand, aches and pains begin to make themselves known as your body’s ability to regenerate starts to slow. Brittle bones are one such ailment you could find yourself suffering from.

Exercise Regularly

Bones respond to loads placed on them, such as what happens when you exercise, by increasing their density in the direction the load is applied. As such, participating in physical exercise on a regular basis can help improve your bone density while you are younger and slow the rate you lose it as you age. One of the common ways to increase the load on your bones while exercising is through lifting weights. Just make sure that you practice proper form as you lift to avoid exercise induced injuries.

Take Medications and Supplements

Aside from age, one of the significant risk factors when it comes to losing bone density is being female. This is because of the changes women’s bodies go through after menopause. It is possible that some medications and supplements may be helpful in reducing the severity of bone density loss. Some drugs can help reduce vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women. Of course, what works best for any one person is something that should be discussed with and determined by that individual and their physician. Don’t just start taking medications and supplements on your own, as that can pose health hazards as well.

Watch Your Diet

It’s possible that if you eat a healthy, balanced diet, you may not need to take supplements to protect your bones. A diet with proper amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients may help you keep your bones healthier and reduce the rate of density loss. Dairy products, fish, fruits and vegetables, and fortified foods can help you get the nutrients you need to protect the health of your bones. Avoiding salty foods, alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated beverages may help you better absorb and retain important nutrients such as calcium.

Brittle bones can be a serious problem as you get older. The good news is that there are things you can do to retain your bone density and reduce the rate at which you lose it, such as exercising regularly, taking medications and supplements as appropriate, and paying attention to your diet. These health behaviors also have the added benefit of supporting a generally healthy life, which can only benefit you as you get older.

Read this next: How to Prevent Major Health Issues While You’re Young

Simon Greenberg

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